Amy Freeth Rice

I have been making art since I could hold a pencil.
I have been taking pictures as my art since I was 16 years old
I went to college for photography-a school called Parsons School of Design in New York City.
After many decades of being a freelance photographer I no longer loved working like that so I just started making art for myself.
I love my non-art ‘day job’ for many reasons but one is that it affords me the ability to be very experimental in my work now.
As a young mother I stole time here and there to create a process of printing my photographs that I liked and that didn’t require a big darkroom set up.
I started using painted photographic emulsion about 16 years ago and since I like sewing I started to sew my images together to create something new and abstracted and interesting to my eye.
In particular I like the threads that flow over much of my work as they add an element that you have to be close to to really enjoy. Texture is really important to me. Brush strokes are very considered.
I will include whatever the piece needs- thread, wire, fabric. or nothing.
Sometimes a piece works best when it is the barest suggestion of an idea.
I come from a long family tradition of using visual art as a form of expression. My family is my biggest inspiration. I was born near London but no longer have an accent which is probably too bad as most people like English accents.
I’ve lived in Boulder since 1999 and this place is my home sweet home but parts of my soul reside in London and New York City and always will. Traveling is a huge joy for me. That and coffee. And dogs.
This exhibit is the first time I am showing my work in many years and I am very happy to be among this high caliber of artists.