Collection: Volunteer Oppotunities
1. TNL Outreach on the bricks:
2-hour time slots, Saturdays & Sundays
Help us spread the word about our downtown gallery by volunteering to pass out postcards on the bricks to shoppers & visitors and send them west on Pearl!
2. TNL Gallery Docent Assistant
Saturdays & Sundays, 10am-1pm or 1pm-4pm
We are looking for volunteers to assist our gallery docent on weekends in the summer months in the historic Montgomery House at 741 Pearl St.
Volunteer duties will include:
- Greeting gallery patrons
- Helping gallery docent to package & wrap purchases
- Educate & connect with patrons about TNL's mission & our artists
To sign-up, email:
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Cancellation Policy: Participants will be refunded 100% of respective workshop fee(s) if cancellation request is 7 days prior to start date. If cancelling fewer than 7 days before the class start date, participant will be refunded 50% of respective class registration fee. This policy helps our instructors to purchase the correct amount of materials in preparation for classes. Please contact Lynette Errante, TNL Education Director, with any questions or cancellation requests.