Wild & Sacred Feminine Oracle Deck

...one that is less head, more body and heart. We trust what is flowing, aligned around the conviction that the feminine be represented with love and fierceness, textures and layers, light and dark. We wish that as your relationship with the deck evolves and coheres, you bring depth, nuance, and your own story to flesh out its meaning.
About the Creators:
Niki Dewart devotes herself to living deeply and courting the sacred feminine. Over the past twenty-five years, she has traveled worldwide to immerse herself in spiritual traditions and sit with wisdom keepers. Weaving these threads of insight and wonder, she now writes books, designs sacred spaces, and leads rituals and retreats that nurture the feminine soul. She is also the coauthor of The Mother’s Wisdom Deck (Sterling 2012) and Sacred Motherhood (North Atlantic 2016).
Elizabeth Marglin is a lover of depths and an appreciator of horizons. The sacred has been her most loyal companion, taking her on a wild ride throughout India in her twenties. This was followed by an equally mystical journey through the trenches and peaks of motherhood. By day Elizabeth hangs out her shingle as a journalist, writer, and emerging poet. She is the coauthor of The Mother’s Wisdom Deck (Sterling 2012) and writes for publications, including Yoga Journal and Spirituality & Health.